GA News News Gazette

K. R. Nelson News

Atlanta man sentenced for multiple nationwide fraud schemes

Thomas Addaquay, an Atlanta resident, has been sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison following his conviction on 30 felony counts related to nationwide fraud schemes.

Acworth man receives 20-year sentence for crimes against minor

Cobb District Attorney Sonya F. Allen announced that Charles Martinez, aged 65, has pleaded guilty to charges including child molestation and providing alcohol to a minor.

Pamela Foohey publishes article on consumer bankruptcy issues

Post Professor Pamela Foohey has published an article titled “The Periphery of Bankruptcy Law: The Importance of Non-Bankruptcy Issues in Consumer Bankruptcy” in the 98th volume of the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, page 527 (2024)

Thomas E. Kadri elected chair of AALS section on torts

Assistant Professor Thomas E. Kadri has been elected as the chair of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Torts and Compensation Systems for the year 2025.

Elizabeth Weeks joins AALS committee on torts and compensation systems

UGA Associate Provost and Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks has been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Torts and Compensation Systems.

Supreme Court of Georgia holds special session at UGA

The University of Georgia's School of Law recently served as the venue for a special session of the Supreme Court of Georgia, where oral arguments were presented.

DeKalb County DA's office takes on Gilmer child exploitation case

In response to a request from the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, the DeKalb County District Attorney's Office has agreed to take on the role of conflict prosecutor in the case of State v. Ronald Richardson in Gilmer County.

UGA law school sees highest application increase in Georgia

The University of Georgia's School of Law has experienced a significant rise in applications for the fall 2025 semester.

Appellate Litigation Clinic presents case at Fourth Circuit

The Appellate Litigation Clinic recently presented the case Holley v. Combs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Bruner discusses UK's captive insurance regime in Insurance Day

Stembler Family Distinguished Professor in Business Law Christopher M. Bruner has been featured in Insurance Day.

Ringhand's study on interruptions at Supreme Court hearings published

Lori A. Ringhand, who holds the positions of Hosch Professor and Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, has published an article titled "Gender, Race, and Interruptions at Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings."

UGA team reaches semifinals at National Moot Court Competition

The University of Georgia's team, consisting of third-year students Mona E. Abboud, Taylor L. Stablein, and Casey E. Wofford, reached the semifinals at the National Moot Court Competition held in New York City.

Legal protections against workplace sexual harassment highlighted by Beasley Allen

Sexual harassment in the workplace remains a significant concern addressed by employment law to ensure a safe environment for all employees.

Gulbranson wins law school's closing argument competition

First-year law student Eric S. Gulbranson has emerged as the winner of the School of Law's 2025 J. Ralph Beaird 1L Closing Argument Competition.

UGA moot court team reaches semifinals at national competition

The University of Georgia's moot court team, composed of third-year students Mona E. Abboud, Taylor L. Stablein, and Casey E. Wofford, reached the semifinals at the National Moot Court Competition held in New York City.

Elizabeth Weeks featured in Newsweek article on SNAP benefits

UGA Associate Provost and Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks was recently featured in Newsweek.