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State Legislature News

State Legislature

Insurance experts highlight impact of legal system abuse on rising costs

The Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) has highlighted the significance of tort reform in Georgia, referencing Florida's legislative measures that have curtailed excessive litigation and stabilized its insurance market.

State Legislature

Georgia businesses and families back legal reforms to reduce costs

Georgians for Lawsuit Reform has announced its support for Senate Bill 68, describing it as a necessary measure to address lawsuit abuse and reduce costs for businesses and families.

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State Legislature

Republican candidate Mckay: It’s embarrassing that Georgia 'is one of the last to do tort reform'

Josh McKay, a Republican candidate for Georgia State Senate District 7, has expressed support for tort reform in Georgia, emphasizing that it is long overdue.

State Legislature

U.S. Chamber of Commerce advocates for lawsuit limits to boost state economy

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform has expressed support for Governor Brian Kemp's tort reform package, stating it will reduce excessive litigation costs and promote fairness in Georgia's legal system.

State Legislature

Gov. Brian Kemp: 'The fight for tort reform is a fight worth having'

Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, has emphasized the necessity of tort reform to address rising insurance premiums and what he describes as an unbalanced legal system impacting hardworking Georgians.

State Legislature

Gov. Brian Kemp: ‘The fight for tort reform is a fight worth having'

Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, has highlighted rising insurance premiums and an unbalanced legal environment as key factors driving his advocacy for tort reform.

State Legislature

Susie Q's owner: Tort reform 'should have been passed 10 years ago'

Tommy Patel, owner of Susie Q's in Thomasville, expressed concerns over the impact of frivolous lawsuits on small businesses.

State Legislature

Rep. Collins: Tort Reform is ‘great news for Georgia’s small businesses and taxpayers'

U.S. Representative Mike Collins, congressman for Georgia’s 10th District, said that the passing of Governor Brian Kemp’s Tort Reform Bill in the State Senate is "great news for Georgia’s small businesses and taxpayers."

State Legislature

New legislation in Georgia targets excessive litigation and economic strain

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform has announced that Georgia's litigation climate has reached a critical juncture, necessitating tort reform to rebalance the state's legal system.

State Legislature

Metro Atlanta Chamber CEO: Proposed tort reform package ‘aims to bring balance to legal proceedings’

Katie Kirkpatrick, president and CEO of the Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC), said that tort reform is a top priority as it addresses key challenges for businesses and healthcare providers and brings balance to legal proceedings.

State Legislature

Southern Electric Company CEO: 'Tort reform is desperately needed by almost every industry in our state'

Mahsa Poorak, CEO of Southern Electric Company, LLC, said that businesses across Georgia are in strong support of Governor Brian Kemp's tort reform efforts.

State Legislature

Georgia Association of Manufacturers CEO: Tort reform is 'needed to strengthen our economy and make Georgia more competitive'

Lloyd Avram, CEO of the Georgia Association of Manufacturers, has emphasized the necessity of tort reform to bolster Georgia's economy and maintain its competitive edge.

State Legislature

GA Chamber of Commerce CEO: SB 69 will safeguard ‘our families, businesses, and overall economic competitiveness’

The Georgia State Senate has unanimously passed Senate Bill 69 (SB 69), a key component of Governor Brian Kemp's tort reform package.

State Legislature

Georgia tort costs among the highest in the nation at $5,050 per household

The U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform has reported that Georgia's tort costs are among the highest in the United States, with each household bearing an average of $5,050 in expenses related to lawsuits.

State Legislature

Georgia insurance commissioner: Due to lawsuit abuse, ‘the individual small businessman is being squeezed out’

John King, Georgia's Insurance Commissioner, said that high insurance costs are forcing small trucking businesses out of the market, effectively granting large, multi-state carriers a monopoly.

State Legislature

Georgia Farm Bureau publication specialist: ‘Five-year average of legal claims in the state has risen by 25%'

Jay Stone, a Publication and Web Specialist for the Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB), emphasized the importance of tort reform for the state's farmers.

State Legislature

GA Senate President Pro Tempore Kennedy: 'Ending lawsuit abuse will stabilize costs' for health care providers, job creators, and consumers

John F. Kennedy, President Pro Tempore of the Georgia Senate, said that ending lawsuit abuse will stabilize costs for health care providers, job creators, and Georgia consumers.

State Legislature

COO for GA Secretary of State: ‘Solid day at the Georgia Legislature with the passage of Gov. Kemp’s Tort Reform bill'

Gabriel Sterling, Chief Operating Officer of the Georgia Secretary of State's office, expressed approval following the passage of Governor Brian Kemp's tort reform bill by the State Senate.

State Legislature

Gov. Brian Kemp: ‘Lawsuit abuse impacts all Georgians. Let’s get tort reform done!’

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia has expressed concerns over the state's legal environment, which he claims is leading to grocery store closures and increased insurance costs, affecting all residents.

State Legislature

New poll finds 70 percent of voters say lawsuit abuse is a major contributor to higher prices

Protecting American Consumers Together (PACT) has announced that lawsuit abuse is contributing to rising costs for American families.