GA News News Gazette

B. J. Milam News

Executive director of PACT on Senate Bill 68: 'Lower costs, more transparency'

Lauren Zelt, Executive Director of Protecting American Consumers Together (PACT), said that the passage of Senate Bill 68 by the Georgia Senate will assist consumers and small businesses by reducing costs and enhancing transparency.

Gov. Kemp's comms director: '79% of all GOP voters support' tort reform legislation

Cody Hall, communications director for Governor Brian Kemp, said that new polling indicates a clear majority of Georgia voters support tort reform.

CEO of III on billboard attorneys: There are 'increases in claims costs when attorneys enter into the picture'

Sean Kevelighan, CEO of the Insurance Information Institute (III), said that legal system abuse is contributing to increased insurance costs in Georgia, emphasizing the necessity for tort reform to address rising claims expenses.