GA News News Gazette

News from January 2025

AJMLS honors staff for long-term dedication

Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS) recently honored its staff members for their years of service and dedication to the institution.

Michael L. Wells discusses dignitary torts at AALS Annual Meeting

Professor Emeritus Michael L. Wells participated in a panel discussion at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting this January.

Weeks moderates dignitary torts panel at AALS annual meeting

UGA Associate Provost and Kirbo Chair Elizabeth Weeks moderated a panel titled "Dignitary Torts: Understanding the Third Restatement’s Approach to Dignitary Harm" at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in January

TPA president: Mass tort litigation is 'making the U.S. a less prosperous nation'

David Williams, president of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA), expressed concerns about mass tort litigation in the United States.

Professor Pamela Foohey's work featured in USA Today

Pamela Foohey, a professor at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and her 2017 article in Law and Contemporary Problems were highlighted in USA Today.

Professor Pamela Foohey's work on CFPB featured in USA Today

Pamela Foohey, a professor at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and her 2017 article in "Law and Contemporary Problems" were highlighted in USA Today.

UGA Athens Campus closes due to winter storm threat

The University of Georgia has announced the closure of its Athens Campus on Friday, January 10, 2025, due to an impending winter storm.

Hampton woman admits role in $161 million mortgage fraud scheme

Kimberly Johnson has admitted guilt in a mortgage fraud scheme that spanned over three years, resulting in the approval of around 450 loans based on false documents and information.

University of Georgia closes Athens campus due to winter storm

The University of Georgia (UGA) has announced the closure of its Athens campus on Friday, January 10, 2025, due to an approaching winter storm.

Federal grand jury indicts operators behind cryptocurrency mixers and

Roman Vitalyevich Ostapenko, Alexander Evgenievich Oleynik, and Anton Vyachlavovich Tarasov have been indicted by a federal grand jury for their alleged roles in operating the cryptocurrency mixing services and

Hellerstein releases new edition of taxation law book

Walter Hellerstein, a Distinguished Research Professor and Shackelford Distinguished Professor in Taxation Law Emeritus, has released the 12th edition of "State and Local Taxation, Cases and Materials."

DeKalb County Courthouse closed due to weather forecast

The DeKalb County Courthouse and County offices, including the District Attorney's Office, will not be open on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Georgia Court of Appeals cites Carlson's book in two recent cases

Callaway Chair of Law Emeritus Ronald L. Carlson's book, "Carlson on Evidence" (co-authored with M. Carlson), has been referenced in two recent cases by the Georgia Court of Appeals: Wright v. State and Davis v. State.

Georgia courthouses closed due to winter storm on January 10

All courthouses in the Northern District of Georgia will be closed on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Ringhand's book earns spot on Choice Reviews' top 10 list for 2024

Lori A. Ringhand, Hosch Professor and Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, has achieved recognition for her book "Supreme Bias: Gender and Race in U.S. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings."

Family receives $2.9 million settlement after fatal trucking accident

Tanysia Janae Middlebrooks, a 19-year-old from Thomaston, Georgia, was involved in a tragic accident while driving along US Highway 431 in Calhoun County, Alabama.

Georgia courts close for two days honoring Carter and due to weather

All Northern District of Georgia courthouses will be closed on Thursday, January 9, 2025, to honor President Jimmy Carter.

Georgia Honors Fellows Program addresses rural legal needs

Talmadge Chair Peter B. "Bo" Rutledge was highlighted in an article by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution concerning the Georgia Honors Fellows Program.

Amann discusses women's roles in Nuremberg Trials at Oxford

Regents' Professor of International Law and Woodruff Chair in International Law, Diane Marie Amann, recently delivered a presentation titled “Women Bearing Witness in the Nuremberg Trials Project.” This event was part of the University of Oxford...

University of Georgia School of Law welcomes new dean Usha R. Rodrigues

As the new semester begins, Usha R. Rodrigues has assumed her role as the 14th dean of the University of Georgia School of Law.