Reducing dangers posed by heavy trucks on American highways

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Tom Methvin, Principal, Managing Attorney | Beasley Allen, law firm, GA

The American highway system stands as a testament to engineering prowess, a complex network that has been a backbone for trade and travel for years. Beyond the benefits, this expansive network of roads harbors significant risks, particularly with the inclusion of large trucks. The mix of swift speeds and the sheer size of these vehicles elevates the danger, often resulting in a higher incidence of accidents and loss of life.

Every year, thousands of accidents happen on roads across the U.S. involving big trucks. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that 5,788 people died because of crashes with these large vehicles. These accidents do more than just take lives; they also lead to economic problems and emotional pain.

Several contributing factors include:

Driver Fatigue: Truck drivers often face grueling schedules that can lead to exhaustion, impairing their ability to react quickly to road conditions.

Vehicle Maintenance: Improperly maintained trucks can suffer from brake failures, tire blowouts, and other mechanical issues that can lead to loss of control.

Load Security: Unsecured or imbalanced loads can shift during transit, causing trucks to tip or veer unexpectedly.

Weather Conditions: Heavy trucks are particularly susceptible to adverse weather conditions, which can exacerbate the difficulty of maneuvering such large vehicles.

To enhance safety on highways and mitigate the risks associated with large trucks, several measures can be taken:

Stricter Regulations: Implementing more rigorous hours-of-service rules is crucial. This ensures that drivers are well-rested and alert, reducing the likelihood of accidents due to fatigue.

Regular Inspections: It’s important to have mandatory, frequent checks on vehicles. This proactive approach helps identify and address any maintenance issues early, preventing potential accidents.

Advanced Training: Offering comprehensive driving courses that equip truck drivers with the skills to handle emergency situations can greatly improve road safety. This training goes beyond basic driving skills, focusing on scenarios specific to large vehicle operation.

Technology Integration: Embracing technology can significantly reduce risks. Tools like electronic logging devices (ELDs) track driver hours to ensure compliance with regulations while advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) can assist in preventing collisions before they happen.

"At Beasley Allen," our goal is "to ensure that the rules and standards for these trucks improve over time so everyone on the road," including truck drivers and other travelers "stays safe." Implementing these measures can create a safer environment on highways, reducing the incidence of accidents and preserving lives.