The American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) has announced that Georgia's civil justice system is experiencing a surge in large jury awards, known as "nuclear verdicts," and legal practices that increase liability. This announcement was made on their website on December 19.
Georgia's civil justice system has witnessed a notable increase in these nuclear verdicts, creating challenges for businesses and insurers. These awards are linked to rising litigation costs and a legal environment perceived as less conducive to investment and economic growth. Georgia ranked fourth in ATRA’s 2024-2025 "Judicial Hellholes" report, which highlights U.S. jurisdictions noted for lawsuit abuse and excessive damages.
According to the Institute for Legal Reform, nuclear verdicts are jury awards in civil cases exceeding $10 million, often occurring in emotionally charged situations. These verdicts contribute to higher insurance premiums and increased operating costs for businesses, leading to an unpredictable legal environment.
The Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I) has identified Georgia as a key state in its efforts to promote tort reform and address legal system challenges. By raising awareness and advocating for changes to legal practices, Triple-I aims to reduce the occurrence and size of nuclear verdicts in the state. Georgia’s legal environment is being closely monitored for its potential influence on broader national litigation trends.
The American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), established in 1986, is a prominent advocate for civil justice reform across the United States. The organization works towards balancing the legal system by pushing for legislative changes that limit lawsuit abuse and ensure fair outcomes for all parties involved. ATRA supports a coalition of state-based reform groups and grassroots efforts, playing a significant role in achieving legal reforms aimed at fostering economic growth while protecting businesses and consumers from excessive litigation.