Settlement reached between DOJ and Fulton County Schools over civil rights violations

Appellate Courts
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Ryan K. Buchanan U.S. Attorney | US Attorney's office Northern District of Georgia

The United States Attorney’s Office has entered into a settlement agreement with Fulton County Schools in Georgia, resolving an investigation into the district’s handling of student-on-student sexual assaults on a school bus serving students with special needs. The investigation was conducted under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974.

“Children with disabilities can be especially vulnerable and deserve to thrive in a learning environment free of violence of any kind, including when traveling to and from school aboard buses,” stated U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan. “We applaud the school district’s willingness to cooperate with our investigation and to amicably resolve this matter to ensure the protection and safety of these children.”

“A school district’s responsibility is to protect its students, particularly students whose disabilities make them especially vulnerable,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Civil Rights Division. “As a result of the agreement reached today, Fulton County Schools will work to ensure that all students are safe on their school buses, and that bus drivers and monitors are trained to watch for and prevent sexual harassment and assault. Schools have a responsibility to address barriers to reporting sexual assault and to effectively investigate reports, taking into account the special needs or vulnerabilities of any affected students and their families. The Civil Rights Division will hold schools accountable to this critical obligation.”

The investigation revealed that the district lacked adequate procedures for training employees on proper reporting and response protocols concerning student-on-student sexual harassment and assault. It also failed in accommodating the special needs of students with disabilities in preventing and responding to such incidents, as well as making reporting processes accessible for parents with limited English proficiency.

As part of the settlement, Fulton County Schools agrees to:

- Revise its policies for responding to complaints of sexual misconduct.

- Provide appropriate training for district personnel on student-on-student sexual misconduct, emphasizing vulnerabilities unique to students with disabilities.

- Ensure accommodations are provided for students with disabilities so they can participate fully in educational programs.

- Offer language assistance services for Limited English Proficient parents and guardians.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia collaborated with the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division's Educational Opportunities Section during this investigation. Aileen Bell Hughes served as Deputy Chief, Public Integrity and Civil Rights Section attorney overseeing this matter.

For additional information, contact the U.S. Attorney’s Public Affairs Office at or (404) 581-6016. More details can be found at