Deadline approaches for Camp Lejeune Justice Act claims

Attorney Complaints
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Tom Methvin, Principal, Managing Attorney | Beasley Allen, law firm, GA

The deadline to submit claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) is August 10, 2024. Those affected by toxic exposure at Camp Lejeune must act swiftly and ensure their claims meet specific criteria to be considered valid.

Many claims have been rejected for not listing one of the presumptive injuries recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs. However, eligibility extends beyond this list. The CLJA allows compensation for any health issues linked to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water, provided it can be proven that the exposure is at least as likely as any other factor to have caused the condition.

To assist claimants, the Navy has launched a claims management portal. This platform serves as a centralized location for submitting documents and tracking claim status.

The Elective Option (EO) settlement program offers a faster resolution but has experienced delays. Few offers have been made, and most were rejected. Potential claimants should carefully weigh the pros and cons before considering an EO settlement.

Despite over 227,000 claims filed, the Navy has settled virtually none. The focus appears to be on EO claims, but progress remains slow. Concurrently, the Eastern District of North Carolina (EDNC) is preparing for trials without juries due to a court ruling that the CLJA does not guarantee a jury trial.

Claimants are urged not to delay filing their claims. For assistance or inquiries, guidance is available. The right to a jury trial remains a critical issue in ongoing legal battles.
