Concerns rise over safety of unregulated kratom market

Attorney Complaints
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Tom Methvin, Principal, Managing Attorney | Beasley Allen, law firm, GA

Kratom, a plant native to Southeast Asia and scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, has evolved into a billion-dollar industry in the United States. The plant's compounds interact with opioid receptors in the brain, resulting in effects that range from stimulation at low doses to sedation and euphoria at higher doses.

However, kratom has been surrounded by controversy due to its potential side effects and safety concerns. Reported issues include aggression, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, addiction, and even death. Kratom is available in various forms such as potent powders, chewable tablets, gummies, and liquid formulations.

Marketing tactics within the kratom industry have raised significant concerns. According to The Tampa Bay Times, some brands like O.P.M.S. employ strategies designed to evade legal scrutiny. These methods include creating multiple businesses and legal entities to obscure accountability for their products' origins.

Individuals such as Peyton Palaio and Mark Reilly—previously associated with the synthetic cannabinoid industry—are noted figures within this market segment.

The FDA has not approved kratom for sale in the U.S., placing it in a legal grey area. Some states have taken steps to ban it due to health risks; Alabama is one example. The FDA has issued warnings about liver toxicity, seizures, and substance use disorder linked to kratom consumption.

Recent court cases involving alleged kratom-related deaths highlight issues such as insufficient labeling instructions for responsible use and lack of information on product contents. Critics argue that the FDA has failed to publish good manufacturing practices guidelines or require proper labeling or marketing for these products.

Beasley Allen law firm is investigating cases of severe adverse effects from kratom consumption. They recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of Jennifer Williams, who passed away after using kratom products.

"Jennifer believed Kratom was safe," Beasley Allen stated. "She thought it could help her but instead it led to tragic consequences. When products don’t have clear warnings, it’s like driving without street signs."

The firm pledges continued investigation into these cases while advocating for those affected by kratom use.
